“Long time teacher in the public school system and makes his own drums too.”



Rick teaches

  • drums
  • available at his home studio Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays
  • builds drums too! – Klemm Drums



Rick Klemm



Rick has a Bachelor of Music in Orchestral Percussion and a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia.  He has taught for the Vancouver School Board for over 25 years.  Rick is very active in the music scene where he performs with a Chicago tribute band and sits in with various community big bands and concert bands.

He is the promoter and organizer of the South Delta Drum Festival where musicians come together to observe and learn from various clinicians.  Rick is well-versed in the genres of rock, jazz, funk, and Latin and believes that music should be accessible to people of all ages.  There is no time like the present to start playing a musical instrument.

Klemm Drums