Our Summer Thrive City Boot Camp is almost full!
This years’ participants hail from all over the lower mainland with ages ranging from 12-71 years old! We have space for 25 students and there are 6 spots remaining, which will be filled on a first come, first served basis:
Violin: 3 spots available
Viola: 2 spots available
Cello: 1 spot available
We have spoken with a few teachers who missed the application deadline, but still want their students to participate. The camp dates are July 18-31, 2012 (no camp on Sundays). I would strongly urge you to encourage your students to submit applications and recordings ASAP.
One really great development this year: World renowned violinist, Herbert Greenberg (head of the String Department of the Peabody Conservatory of Music), will be taking a short leave from the Aspen Music Festival to work with our students for 4 days – presenting masterclasses, working with individual classes, and performing for and with our participants. For more details on Herbert Greenberg, visit: http://www.thrivecitymusic.com/tcsbc_guest.html