As we move towards the final month of our 2013-2014 season here are some reminders of upcoming events registration dates here at the school.
- Happy Victoria Day Weekend to everyone! Also a reminder that there are regularly scheduled lessons on Saturday May 17. There are no regularly scheduled lessons on Monday May 19th (Victoria Day).
- Imagine! Baroque Music House Concert Saturday May 17.
This is our final house concert of the 2013-2014 season. more info is available here. - Final June Concert – as published in the March News our final concert is Sunday June 15th at 1:30 pm at All Saints Church in Ladner. Sign up sheets for this recital will be up on Thursday May 15 one month in advance.
- Early Registration for returning students. Early Registration for fall 2014 begins Wednesday May 21st. Current students have a chance to book lesson times for the fall before open registration begins in Mid June. Most registration forms were sent home with students this week, and all families were sent copies by email. See our Registration page for more details.
- South Delta Jazz Festival – Early Registration discount ends May 28. Please register now for our annual Jazz Fest, it is going to be a great event! More details are available at
- Thrive City String Boot Camp – is coming up August 5 – 16, 2014
Look for details here<