Cedapresents the Ovation Performance Series featuring tthe faculty of the Delta Community School in Concert. Presenting a variety show of musical styles from light classical chamber music through to musical theatre and jazz!

Featuring Tracy Neff (voice), Stephen Robb (clarinet and piano), John Littlejohn, Fred Chu, Sarah Westwick (violin), Bo Peng (cello), John Walsh (bass), Christopher Robertson (trumpet), Kris Bowerman (trombone), Cheryl Carruthers, Bernie Duerksen, Suzanne Klukas, Garth Preston (piano).

TICKETS: $15 available from Cedar Park Church or Delta Community Music School or online at deltafacultyconcert.eventbrite.ca

All proceeds will to towards student scholarships and bursaries for students at Delta Community Music School.



Delta Community Music school is proud to sponsor…

Works by the late
Raine Leagh

Raine was the founder of the Delta Arts Council and taught at Delta Secondary School for many years. He was a gifted artist and very active in the Ladner community.

Available for sale will be drawings, intaglio prints, oil & watercolour paintings.
Cash & cheques only please.
Partial proceeds to the DCMS

Date: Sunday, October 2nd, 2011
Time: Noon – 5 pm
Place: McKee Heritage House, 4705 Arthur Drive, Ladner (also known at the Delta Community Music School)

For further information please call: Maureen at 604 833 0804

Images of available art work are displayed below. Click on them to view  in a seperate window, then click on the image again to view as a larger image. The file names are coded.
‘op’ Oil Painting, ‘p’ Pottery, ‘ip’ ‘bp’ Intaglio Print or Block Print, ‘wc’ Water Colour Painting

The Art of Jazz: a unique event combining the work of local artists with the sounds of jazz students practising their skills at the South Delta Jazz Festival Workshop. The musicians will be inside the McKee Heritage House, which is now the Delta Community Music School, while the Artists will be set up in the surrounding lawns. The public will be invited to wander through the grounds and meet with the artists while listening to the joyful sounds of jazz bursting forth through the walls of the old house. What an event this promises to be!

This event will take place on Friday, July 8, 2011 from 1-4 pm at 4705 Arthur Drive in Ladner.

More information about artists will be available soon. Artists can apply to display works at this event by contacting the music school office at 604-946-1280

The following dates have been lined up the music school in 2010 at “The Landing” on Ladner Trunk Road for our Meat Draw Fund raisers . The times are from 3pm until 7pm each date:

We need volunteers to come out to help us on February 20, March 27. Later in the year we have dates booked for April 17, May 15, June 19, September 18, October 16, November 13 and December 11. Please check your calendars and sign up on the volunteer sheets in the office if you can come and help. We only need about 3 volunteers for each event, and its fun!!

Like most arts and culture groups in the province of BC, Delta Community Music School has lost its government support due to the cancellation of the direct access grants and severe cut backs to BC arts council. These grants amount to about 8% of our operating funds. Without this support the school needs to explore other sources of revenues and funding. While fundraisers like this one may seem “small” the proceeds do add up and help keep your fees lower than they could be.