We are working on developing a summer guitar class for beginners. Mondays at 2pm with John Walsh – cost will be about $15 per session. Start July 4th. Let us know at the school whether you might be interested in this
Category: noitice
1) Scholarship Adjudication – Saturday May 28th, 2pm – Junior, 2:40 pm – Senior – Kinsroom at DCMS
Scholarship application forms are now available at the school, Cut off for sign up will be May 16th . You Must arrange rehearsals with accompanist ahead of time OR YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. Entry fee is same as previous years: $15 per student
2) May Days performance – Sunday May 29th – 10:45 am – 12 noon
This will take place OUTSIDE on the school grounds just before the parade comes by, if the weather is good there will be around 100 people lining the streets in front of the school gathering to watch the parade, which will come by sometime after 12 noon. We can have outdoor performances starting at about 10:45 am
3) Final recital – Sunday June 12th, All Saints Angilcan Church –next to the school
2pm – This will be the final recital of the 2010 – 2011 year.
Still to be announced – Jazz Festival fundraiser concert – June 2011 TBA
Delta Community Music School will be closed for Spring break from Sunday March 20th until Monday April 4th, 2011. We follow the Delta School District Calendar and obseve the same school break as the school board. There are no regularly scheduled classes during this time but your teachers may have scheduled make up lessons during these two weeks. Please consult with your teacher for scheduling. Have a great Spring Vacation!!